Try These Flexibility Exercises

Try These Flexibility Exercises

People with poor flexibility run the risk of injuring themselves, but the good news is that you can improve your flexibility with daily flexibility exercises. They don’t have to take a long time, and flexibility exercises don’t require much space.

Try these flexibility exercises

Try these flexibility exercises

Types of flexibility

Joint flexibility, also known as dynamic flexibility, is determined by the range of motion the joint permits.

Without dynamic flexibility, a person’s usual activities are curtailed.

Something as mundane as reaching up to take a dish from the kitchen cabinet can be restricted if a person loses flexibility in their shoulder joint.

Loss of dynamic flexibility hinders range of motion, but the good news is that stretching and flexibility exercises can help restore this range.

The basics

Flexibility exercises should be done at least three days a week. With this in mind, follow these other basics for maximum benefit:

  • Stretch should not hurt but will produce mild discomfort.
  • Hold the stretch for a duration of 10-30 seconds.
  • Perform three to five repetitions for each exercise on each side.
  • Stretches should be performed slowly without bouncing.

Hamstring stretch

This flexibility exercise is done while in a seated position.

  1. Extend the left leg (keep ankle and toes relaxed).
  2. Bend the right leg.
  3. Bring the bottom of your right foot to the inside of your left knee.
  4. Rest your right hand on top of your left hand.
  5. Keep your lower back straight.
  6. Reach toward your left foot.

Spinal twist

While in a seated position on the floor:

  1. Extend your left leg in front of you
  2. Bend the right leg bringing the right foot to the outside of your left knee.
  3. Reach behind you with your right hand to support your weight.
  4. Rest your left arm on the outside of the right leg.
  5. Twist the torso slightly.
  6. Use your left arm to lengthen the stretch.