Smart Dietary Choices to Avoid Stroke

Smart Dietary Choices to Avoid Stroke

Smart Dietary Choices to Avoid Stroke Smart Dietary Choices to Avoid StrokeNumerous published studies report that a diet abundant in colorful fruits and vegetables may lower stroke risk.  Xinfeng Liu, from Nanjing University School of Medicine (China), and colleagues completed a meta-analysis of 7studies with a total of 254,489 participants who were followed for an average of 14 years. The data revealed that the participants with the highest amount of protein in their diets were 20% less likely to develop a stroke, as compared to those with the lowest amount of protein in their diets. For every additional 20 grams per day of protein consumed, the risk of stroke decreased by 26%.  The team advises, however, the protein of-choice is fish, and that red meat consumption should be limited, in accordance with other published studies associating it with increased stroke risk.  The study authors conclude that: “These findings suggest that moderate dietary protein intake may lower the risk of stroke.”

You may know a stroke happens when oxygen-rich blood is blocked from getting to part of your brain, but did you know your level of risk for a stroke is related to your diet? Every 30 seconds someone in the United States has a stroke, and someone dies from a stroke every 4 minutes, according to the National Stroke Association. For stroke prevention, choose a well-balanced, healthful diet, placing the emphasis on natural, whole, and unprocessed foods. “Everything we do to reduce the risk of heart attack is also going to reduce the risk of stroke,” says Seth Baum, MD, a cardiologist and founder of Preventive Cardiology in Boca Raton, Florida. A healthy diet will help you avoid high blood pressure and high cholesterol — negative influences that increase your risk of stroke. Here are diet tips from protein sources to potassium needs that can help you prevent a stroke.


Smart Dietary Choices to Avoid Stroke