Relieve Arthritis Pain With Exercise

Relieve Arthritis Pain With Exercise

Arthritis is an illness that reacts to inflammation of the joints. Then a secondary effect of this condition is a reduction in the synovial fluid, which is responsible for decreasing the articular cartilage and the other tissues in the joints. This in turn lubricates the joints for activities. It also can cause stiffness and often pain in one or more joints or muscles.

Musculoskeletal conditions and arthritis affect the functioning of the bones, muscles, joints, and surrounding areas. Flexibility movements for arthritis may alleviate this pain. The form this happens will depend on the condition you have.

Relieve arthritis pain with exercise

Relieve arthritis pain with exercise

Managing arthritis

Management and treatment options vary with the category of arthritis, its harshness, and the parts of the body affected.

Symptoms can change from day to day and live with arthritis can be different from individual to individual. There are a lot of types of arthritis, your specialist may do a number of tests and analyses to diagnose which one you have.

There is no cure for arthritis. Management alternatives can include medical medication and treatment, self-management techniques, physiotherapy, and exercise to provide stability to your joints, build muscle strength, and improve your ability to perform daily tasks.

Exercises for arthritis

The kind of workout that works best for you will depend on your personal interest, the harshness of your symptoms, and whether or not you have other health issues or musculoskeletal illnesses.

Most of the activities can assist with strength, flexibility, and overall fitness at the same time, including:

  • aerobics
  • dancing
  • walking
  • tai-chi
  • chair exercises
  • strength training

If you are not sure which movements are adequate for you, ask your specialist or another health professional, such as an exercise physiologist or physiotherapist.

Arthritis and water

There are many ways you can exercise in water. It may also be called “hydrotherapy” which involves exercising in a pool commonly heated. An adequate type of water activity for you will vary on a number of factors.

Warm water movements are specifically helpful if you suffer musculoskeletal conditions or arthritis because your body will be supported and the resistance implemented by moving through water constructs muscle endurance and strength.