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Buy HGH in South Carolina

 Testosterone - HGH – South Carolina

Testosterone – HGH – South Carolina

HGH - Human Growth Hormone Information – South Carolina

HGH – Human Growth Hormone Information – South Carolina


COSTA HGH & TESTOSTERONE CLINIC, located in San Jose, Costa Rica is pleased to offer South Carolina residents a safe, legal, and comprehensive antiaging program at a reasonable price.

What is an antiaging program?

Our antiaging program is a four point program incorporating hormone replacement, healthy nutrition, a good exercise program and an age appropriate comprehensive annual medical exam. We help our patients manage the life style component of their health which can greatly enhance the quality of their lives as the pass through middle age and beyond.

Our hormone replacement consists of human growth hormone replacement and testosterone for males. As we age, the level of these important hormones continues to decline and by the time we reach middle age these low levels of HGH and testosterone are seen in a variety of symptoms such as lower levels of energy and stamina, increased body fat and loss of muscle mass. Many patients also experience declines in libido and mental acuity as well.

Buy HGH in South Carolina

Buy HGH in South Carolina

 Why Costa Rica?

In Costa Rica human growth hormone replacement HGH for antiaging quality of life purposes is legal under the care of a licensed medical doctor. In South Carolina regulations have changed making it very difficult for medical doctors to prescribe HGH for antiaging quality of life purposes. In the last decade regulations were changed as an over – reaction to athletes abusing human growth hormone injections to gain a competitive advantage in their sports. Regulators wanted to make it more difficult for younger people to obtain HGH. These new regulations have denied middle – aged people access to human growth hormone replacement therapy which is quite safe and beneficial under the care of a medical doctor.

COSTA HGH & TESTOSTERONE CLINIC is strategically located in Costa Rica to provide a cost effective value added program. In Costs Rica we have low mal – practice and liability costs relative to the USA and our general costs of doing business are much lower than in the USA. We pass these savings on to our patients.

Our entire staff speaks excellent English and San Jose, Costa Rica is not too far from South Carolina.

What benefits can I expect from human growth hormone HGH and testosterone replacement?

Patients that follow our four point program will derive the following benefits:

  • Increased energy and stamina
  • Increased muscle mass and improved definition
  • Declines in unwanted body fat
  • Increased libido, improved mood and feeling of well – being
  • Increased rate of healing and recovery
  • Maintenance of bone mass and retardation of osteoporosis
  • Improved memory and mental acuity
  • Thicker and tighter skin
  • And more!

Call us now to USA toll free or send us an inquiry on line!

Now is the time to enhance the quality and vitality of your life!