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Upper Body Stretches

Upper Body Stretches For the best results, stretch each time you exercise, as well as on days when you may feel stiff or sore in these muscle groups. Frequent stretching will help keep these muscles flexible, which will enable you to gain more from your exercise. Upper Body Stretches. Dynamic Stretches The static stretches above…


What Is Urology?

Once upon a time, the study of urine characteristics such as color, odor and the presence of blood was done every so often to determine one’s health. Modern-day medicine has chosen to dedicate an entire field to focus on this and the study of the urinary system is what is known as urology. Your urine…


What Is A Paleo Diet?

The paleo diet is made to resemble the hunter and gatherer diet that existed thousands of years ago. In this era of the so-called “caveman diet” the diet mainly involves anything that could be caught through hunting, gathering or fishing and take plenty of water. A paleo diet mainly consists of lean meats, fish, fruits,…


Mushrooms Stabilize Blood Sugar

Mushrooms Stabilize Blood Sugar     Functional Foods and Human Growth Hormone Low in calories, fat-free, and abundant in Vitamin D, mushrooms are shown to promote healthy weight and boost immune function. Peter Horvath, from the University of Buffalo (New York, USA), and colleagues explored the consumption of portabella mushrooms among healthy men and women,…


Red Wine Counteracts Cavities

Red Wine Counteracts Cavities Human Growth Hormone and Functional Foods Cavities, periodontal disease and tooth loss affect an estimated 60 to 90 % of the global population. The problems start when certain bacteria in the mouth get together and form biofilms, which are communities of bacteria that are difficult to kill. They form plaque and produce…