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HGH Clinic USA Norditropin
HGH Clinic USA Norditropin Pen

What your face can tell you about your health

What your face can tell you about your health Your face and skin are windows into your health. Here’s what your biggest beauty complaints can actually tell you about your well-being. It’s easy to dismiss the bigger picture when you’re staring at a mirror and dark, puffy circles; red skin; and unexpected acne along your…


Vitamin A

Vitamin A Why do I need vitamin A? You’ve probably heard that the vitamins in carrots can help you see in the dark. That old tale is actually true — the beta carotene in carrots and many other vegetables is converted in the intestines to vitamin A (also known as retinol), and vitamin A is…


Preventing Alzheimer’s

Preventing Alzheimer’s There’s still no cure for Alzheimer’s or known way to prevent it. But if you’re worried about developing the disease, your doctor just might give you an unexpected prescription. She might urge you to exercise daily, eat a diet rich in whole foods, and watch your weight. She might even recommend taking a…


Natural Skin Care Tips

Natural Skin Care Tips Here are the most important steps to take: Use sunscreen and protective clothing. By far the most important measure you can take to save your skin is to avoid excessive exposure to the sun. “Basically, we consider the science of aging all sun-related,” says Arielle N.B. Kauvar, MD, clinical associate professor…


Improve your mental fitness

Improve your mental fitness Researchers at Stanford University (USA) found that memory loss can be improved by 30 to 50 per cent simply by doing mental exercises. The brain is like a muscle – if you don’t give it regular workouts, its functions will decline. Suggestions include: Keep up your social life and engage in…


Minimum Exercise for a Longer Life

Minimum Exercise for a Longer Life Physical activity promotes health, and for years, several public health bodies –- including the American Heart Association, US Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization –-have recommended getting 30 minutes of moderate exercise, 5 or more times per week. Surprisingly though, only a couple of more recent major…