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Eating Well Promotes Health

Eating Well Promotes Health Eating a well-planned, balanced mix of foods every day has many health benefits. For instance, eating well may reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, bone loss, some kinds of cancer, and anemia. If you already have one or more of these chronic diseases, eating well and being…


Which Is Better, Chin-Ups or Pull-Ups?

Which Is Better, Chin-Ups or Pull-Ups? Pull-ups and chin-ups are more different than you probably realize. That subtle change of turning your palms from inward facing (a chin-up) to outward swaps which side of your torso you target. A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research measured muscle signals during both exercises and found…


Treating Skin Cancer

Treating Skin Cancer Various Treatment Options There are a number of treatment options for skin cancer, depending on the type and stage of the cancer. Some treatments are standard (the usual treatment), and some are being tested in clinical trials. Before starting treatment, patients may want to think about taking part in a clinical trial….


What is Skin Cancer?

What is Skin Cancer? Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the U.S. It occurs in more than a million people each year, including many older people. There are three main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Of the three, melanoma is the most serious. Buy…


Enjoy Food

Enjoy Food Eating is one of life’s pleasures, but some people lose interest in eating and cooking as they get older. They may find that food no longer tastes good. They may find it harder to shop for food or cook, or they don’t enjoy meals because they often eat alone. Others may have problems chewing…


About Anxiety Disorders

About Anxiety Disorders Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. You might feel anxious when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test, or making an important decision. However, anxiety disorders involve more than temporary worry or fear. For a person with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety does not go away and…


Staying Strong, Fit, and Independent

The best exercises for staying strong, fit, and independent Exercise and physical activity are great ways to have fun, be with friends and family, and enjoy the outdoors. But regular exercise and physical activity can also have a direct impact on your everyday life. The benefits they provide can help you stay strong and fit enough…


Dry Skin and Itching

Dry Skin and Itching Many older people suffer from dry spots on their skin, often on their lower legs, elbows, and lower arms. Dry skin patches feel rough and scaly. There are many possible reasons for dry skin, such as: Not drinking enough liquids Spending too much time in the sun or sun tanning Being…


Are Your Hormones Out of Whack?

Are Your Hormones Out of Whack? The work that hormones do is subtle—yet when they fall out of balance, the effects on your health may be anything but. I think of the body’s hormones as musical instruments in an orchestra: Each plays its own part in creating a perfect concert—until the day one is out…