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What Are Hormones, And What Do They Do?

What Are Hormones, And What Do They Do? Hormones are special chemical messengers in the body that are created in the endocrine glands. These messengers control most major bodily functions, from simple basic needs like hunger to complex systems like reproduction, and even the emotions and mood. Understanding the major hormones and what they do…


Heart Healthy Diet: Myths and Truths

Think you know what makes a heart-healthy diet? Test your knowledge of some common myths about diet and heart health. Keeping up with the latest research on diet and heart health isn’t an easy task – the science is always advancing – and as the science evolves, so do dietary recommendations. But if you’re not…


Brainy Hormones

Known as the body’s messengers, hormones affect the way the body feels and functions, and are produced by many different parts of the body. The hypothalamus, a part of the brain, is responsible for many hormones. Understanding these “brainy hormones” will help you take control of your body and your health. The hypothalamus produces hormones…


How to Grow Old Gracefull

Aging is inevitable, but to grow old gracefully is a choice. While we know that getting old is unavoidable, how we perceive this natural process depends greatly upon our social and cultural influences. In western culture, we tend to idolize youth, while aging is stigmatized as undesirable, even shameful. We worry about what we will…