Aerobic exercise burns more calories

Aerobic exercise burns more calories

The equation is simple: the harder you work out, the more energy your body needs to recover—and that means you’re burning more calories.

It’s easier to approach a workout when you know what you want to achieve, and a basic knowledge of your body lets you understand how best to reach your goals. Different training methods will give you different results. If you want to burn fat, then you need to tailor your workout in a different way than if you want to improve flexibility, for example.

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Your body needs to recover after all types of exercise, but you really need anaerobic and aerobic exercise to benefit. You will need to tune into your body to understand what is most effective for you.


A typical sprinting session is anaerobic and high in intensity. Obviously, this is my all-time favorite session for feeling the after-burn.


A good static cycling class provides an aerobic zone workout combined with spurts of fast anaerobic work. Spinning classes are low impact and you can control the intensity of your personal workout

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training):

HIIT is known to burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. The intense nature of this workout will have your body recovering throughout the day.

Aerobics class:

An intense dance class or step class that is moderate in intensity, but high in impact and lasts for about an hour, will burn a lot of calories during the class and will help you burn through even more calories once you’re back at home. Try and find a class that involves jumping, kicking, and anything that makes you lift both feet off the ground.

Weight Training:

Lifting weights and strength training puts stress on your muscles, especially when lifting to gain muscle using slow and controlled movements. Your body will require energy to repair itself after a hard weights session.

Your body burns calories when it is recovering, and a hard and fast session will require more recovery than a softer, less intense workout. Recovery is the catch-all term for all the processes your body implements after a workout—such as replenishing energy supplies, sending new glycogen to your muscles, converting lactic acid back into pyruvic acid, etc. This internal process requires fuel, and your body’s preferred fuel choice is your stored excess fat.

With so many workout options, try to include a high intensity session a few times a week. Make sure you plan rest days and, as always, listen to your own body. It’s fine to push yourself, but never go to the point of pain.